At NECC’s newest after-school program, this project-based club space for teens provides all technology and transportation as students work on creative quarterly projects. The first quarterly project is a film project in which students will be able to make a short film to show at a public viewing night in February!

NECC’s TeenWORKS program is free and available to any Webutuck student grades 9-12.
The program is held on Tuesdays from 2:15-4:30 starting December 3rd. (The program follows the Webutuck school calendar, including closures.)

NOTE: If you would like to register for the 2024-2025 school year, click the register link button to complete an application, or contact Brandon with more questions:

brandon@neccmillerton.org or call 518-789-4259 EXT 117.

Skills developed during the program include:

  • Creative, social, and collaborative skills

  • Self-motivation and the application of personal interests

  • Using film editing software like iMovie

  • Facilitating and planning a public event

  • Skills needed for independence in adulthood and the workforce

  • And much more!

This program is free to all participants and is funded in part by Dutchess County, United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region, the North East Dutchess Fund of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, the Town of Amenia, and private donations.