Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @teen_team_necc

Support provided by:

  • The United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region.

  • Dutchess County Department of Planning and Development

  • Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation

  • Discovery Land Company Foundation

  • Bank of America

  • And Private Contributions

Teen Team

Community Service Opportunities

Participants go to parks, museums, haunted houses, arcades, pools, and the movies. Every year Teen Team also writes, produces, films, and edits their own short films. They have been hiking, ice skating, go karting, bowling, and mini golfing. They do volunteer projects including: gardening, hosting a gingerbread house making workshop, baking pies for food pantries, and host a village-wide cleanup day. They also attend educational workshops and events as well as learn about local resources. And, it's always a lot of fun!

Each year, the teens engage in an Alternative Spring Break, a week of community service and educational activities locally and in an urban area, Alternative Summer Vacation, and Give Back Week at Thanksgiving, including the annual Midnight Run in December. Our teens help prepare 70 meals and distribute blankets, clothing, toiletries, and coffee at five sites in New York City. This trip provides our youth with an opportunity to experience empathy while connecting people experiencing homelessness to basic services.

Teen Team is completely FREE! The North East Community Center provides transportation, entrance fees, and food for every activity at no cost to participants. Teens may bring money to events if they would like to purchase something additional, like an extra snack or a souvenir, but everything they need is provided.

Teens can join Teen Team at any point in the year. Teens are eligible if they are in high school or home-schooled, ages 14-18 and live in the Webutuck School District.

Learn more about the Path to Promise program, click here.